5 Settings Required for Enable YouTube Channel Monetization

5 Settings Required for Enable YouTube Channel Monetization

YouTube Channel Monetization

Hey guys, if you are having a YouTube channel and if you having a monetization problem then I am going to tell you that if you do these 5 Settings Required for Enable YouTube Channel Monetization will be enabled on your channel in just a month.

You know the monetization policy is updated on Feb,13,2020.

Old Monetisation Policy

First, I want to discuss with you the old policy on YouTube before arriving at this latest monetization policy. In the year 2017, there was no monetization policy, every YouTuber can enable their monetization on their channel very easily there is no restriction or any eligibility to enable monetization on our channel after that in the year 2017 it had mandatory to complete 10,000 views on YouTube channel.

it was eliminated because there are more of the YouTubers who buy views on their YouTube channel to enable the monetization turn on very fast and some do promote their videos by online marketing and some get traffic from other websites to increase their YouTube video views so that they can enable monetization turn on. It was very tedious to check the original and genuine views on the YouTuber channels or from other fake and pirated websites.

In the previous year 2018, it was mandatory to complete 4000 hours watch time and 1000 subscriber on your YouTube channel when you complete this eligibility then your YouTube account monetization Used to be enabled automatically, but in the year 2019 you as before we have to complete 4000 hours watch time and 1000 subscriber then we have to submit for review your channel and youtube took a decision to enable our monetization turn on or not or it should we keep off, or sometimes youtube does not answer our email or review request.

Latest Monetization Policy 2020

In the year, February 2020, you have to complete 4000 hours watch time and also complete 1000 subscribers then you have to send a review for YouTube channel monetization and be remember there are additional five settings you should do on your channel before sending review request.
Yeah, channel monetization will be only turned on if you do all of the settings on your channel which I have mentioned below.1. The main theme of your YouTube channel.2. Newest videos.3. The biggest proportional of your videos watch time.4. Most viewed videos.5. Metadata including Tags, Description, Title & Thumbnail.

Let’s elaborate one by one of all the above-mentioned points that what we have to be a check on our channel.

Main theme

In the category of the main theme, you have to mention or you have to decide on your YouTube channel.

Which type of YouTube channel are you creating?

Does that mean which type of videos does your channel relates to? 

For example, Educational, Cooking, workout, fitness, blogging, yoga, playing games, history, science, technical channel, YouTube news channel, music channel, comedy, traveling and many more categories are there you have to choose. After choosing the category of your channel you just have to create videos on that type of topic and it relates to your category too. Do not create a video of every category, for example, in the morning, you upload comedy video then in the afternoon you are uploading a blogging video, in the evening you are uploading a Technical video and in the night, you are uploading news video. it does not seem good.

2. Newest Videos

Ishwar getting copyright community garden strike on your old videos then you should not repeat it this mistake again on your YouTube channel
you just have to create your videos without any copyright content music photo video and any type of credit given in the description
Your video should be your property your on video.

3. The biggest proportion of watch time

You have to check the watch time of every video or you can check the whole channel overview that your channel does meet the length of watch time eligibility?
If you are going to apply for monetization then you have to get 30 – 40% watch time on your YouTube videos and your channel.

if it is low, then you should share YouTube videos on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram to get more watch time on your YouTube channel.

ðŸ˜�Don’t be upset if your monetization eligibility is not done today then after 1 month, your monetization will be enabled when you pass your watch time and subscribers criteria. You can apply for monetization anytime but your subscriber or watch time should be completed in the previous year.

For example, if you are having 990 subscribers and 3900 hours watch time is completed today is on 1 January 2020 then it doesn’t mean you have to wait for next year 1 January 2021.  You can apply for any time, for example, if your YouTube meets the eligibility of 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watch time in the next upcoming 1 month and 10 days is on 10 February 2020 then you can apply on 10 February for the monetization.
YouTube will review your channel and if it is completed and your channel meets the eligibility of five major conditions then your channel will be monetized.

4.Most viewed videos

If your channel is going to be viral or you are getting more views on your YouTube videos, it will be checked by the YouTube manually or review your most viewed videos.
In that videos, YouTube will check that your title, description, and tags are related to the same video as you uploaded on the YouTube or same content is displayed in your video as well as your title mentioned on YouTube?
If it does not match then YouTube will not monetize your YouTube channel.😩
Your title, your description, your video tags should be correct and match the video which video was uploaded on your YouTube channel.

To get the tags to make your video viral on YouTube you can use the Tubebuddy extension you can check it out on the Google chrome download it and use for your YouTube videos to get more views on your YouTube channel. It will help you to find the keywords to make your video viral or get more views & more engagement on your channel too.

5. Metadata (Including Tags, Description, Title & Thumbnail)

Your video data is called the metadata.

Title- should be simple and clear explained that which type of video are you creating?

Please do not use the hacking words as best, cheap, cheaper, fastest, top, very fast, someone password, hacking, tracking, steal OTP or any type of information words in your title. Your title should meet the community guidelines strike of YouTube & you can check the YouTube community guidelines.

Description-it could be 5000 words, you can mention in the description of your video that which type of video did you create ? & what type of information you want to spread by your video? You should mention all of your social media networks, accounts, links, any type of affiliate marketing, your past and future videos links and videos content. if it is to copy someone’s video content then credit should be given in your description and please write words from 2000 to 4000 minimum otherwise you can complete 5000 words in your description

TagsYour tags could be a long tail or short tail. For example, if I am creating the video on how to make money on YouTube then how can I mention tags in my tags box?

how to make money,
how to make money from YouTube,
how to make money from YouTube in Hindi,
how to make money in Hindi,
how to earn money on YouTube,
how to earn money on YouTube in Hindi,
how to earn money on YouTube in Hindi full tutorial,
how to ,earn ,money ,make ,money ,on YouTube ,in, Hindi ,2020,

These types of tags you can define in your tags options and you can use the Tube Buddy Google chrome extension can download it it will provide you the latest keywords for top trending keywords you can use it for your computer or Android.

Thumbnail –  Which type of video did you create? which type of tags mentioned in your videos and title too, the thumbnail should not be different to the title and description info or it should not be created on hacking purpose and please avoid Inflammatory words of the picture.
Just create the simple thumbnail of your video which clarified that what your video is about?

Why people should watch your video? It could be Hindi Tamil Marathi Gujarati Bengali in English language choice could be yours…

I hope this article will help you to create videos on YouTube and for your monetization purpose
Thanks for giving me your precious time I love you das
Follow me on the YouTube Facebook Instagram
Manpreet Singh

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