HTML Heading Tag – How to Write Headings in HTML

HTML Heading Tag Website Development Tutorial MisterSingh1000

Heading Tag in HTML

Heading is a word, syllable or sentence, which is composed first in a record, article, blog entry and so on Heading is actually as old as page title. You can contrast Heading and “Title”.

Headings are additionally written in Webpages and HTML Documents like Newspaper Article and Magazine Article. In this example, we will give you complete data about HTML Heading Tag. To comprehend HTML Heading, we have isolated this example into a few sections. Which are being told beneath.

Prologue to HTML Heading

Introduction to HTML Heading

Heading Element is utilized to characterize Heading in HTML. Heading Element upholds Heading up to 6 Level. Which are characterized by to component separately.

HTML Headings are utilized dependent on their Importance. Level Heading will be utilized for the main heading. Also Level Heading will be utilized for the most minimal significance Heading.

Heading of each level has a default size. Which might vary in various programs. Along these lines, you can set the Heading Size, Color, Alignment and so on of each level through CSS – Cascading Style Sheets. Because of which every program has similar kind of Headings Display.

Assuming there is a heading in your HTML report, then, at that point, you utilize the Heading Element just for this. Since with this you keep up with the HTML standard. You can likewise get organizing like key by utilizing other tag of HTML for Heading Formatting. Yet, by this you are breaking the HTML standard. Which lessens the intelligibility of your website page.

Significance of HTML Heading

Importance of HTML Heading

Headings are utilized in papers and magazines to draw in the consideration of the perusers. Perusers arrive at the primary substance by perusing the snappy title.

Essentially, Headings are additionally utilized in Webpages, Blog Posts or other Web Writings to draw in the consideration of the Readers. HTML Headings are utilized to file Search Engine(s) Content. Aside from these, HTML Headings are likewise vital. Which are being told beneath.

Headings are utilized to feature the title and design of the archive. Record title is for the most part characterized by H1 heading.

Headings are important to separate the archive into segments. Headings make the record structure comprehensible. Because of which the peruser stays associated with the substance.
Headings partition a website page into a few sections. These parts are given by heading. Perusing which the perusers surmise about the significance of our archive.
Headings assume the main part in giving moment data to the perusers.
Web search tools additionally use HTML Headings to record our substance rapidly and precisely.

Sorts of HTML Heading –

Types of HTML Heading

In HTML language, 6 sorts of headings have been given to characterize the record structure appropriately. Which are being told underneath.

H1 Level Heading

This is the principle heading of the HTML record. What’s more it is additionally the primary significant heading. The title of a blog entry or page is characterized by the heading of the H1 level. It is encouraged to utilize this heading just a single time in the record. Model:

This is first Level Heading.

<h1>This is 1st Level Heading.</h1>

H2 Level Heading
This is the sub-heading of the HTML record. It is utilized later Main Heading. H2 Heading gives sub-making a beeline for the record. Model:

This is second Level Heading.

H3 Level Heading
This is called sub-sub-heading. What’s more it is otherwise called Minor Heading. It is utilized to give more profundity title in the archive. Model:

<h2>This is 2nd Level Heading.</h2>

This is third Level Heading.

h4 Level Heading
This is called fourth Level Heading. From this heading, the record is partitioned into profound segments. It is utilized to separate an enormous theme into more modest segments. Model:

<h3>This is 3rd Level Heading.</h3>

This is fourth Level Heading.

H5 Level Heading
fifth Level Heading is useful in separating the substance all the more profoundly. It is characterized by the H5 component. Model:

<h4>This is 4th Level Heading.</h4>
This is fifth Level Heading.
<h5>This is 5th Level Heading.</h5>
H6 Level Heading

Sixth Level Heading is additionally useful in partitioning the substance all the more profoundly. This is the heading of least significance. It is characterized by the H6 component. Model:

This is sixth Level Heading.
<h6>This is 6th Level Heading.</h6>

Illustration of HTML Heading

Example of HTML Heading

Presently you have total data about HTML Headings. This is the ideal opportunity to realize what you have realized up to this point. to utilize it essentially. We have arranged a model for this assignment. In the wake of utilizing which the idea of HTML Headings will be totally clear.

Duplicate the HTML code composed underneath and glue it in Notepad or type this code straightforwardly in Notepad with your hands.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<body><h1>This is First Level Heading</h1>
<h2>This is Second Level Heading</h2>
<h3>This is Third Level Heading</h3>
<h3>This is Fourth Level Heading</h3>
<h5>This is Fifth Level Heading</h5>
<h6>This is Sixth Level Heading</h6></body>

This is First Level Heading

This is Second Level Heading

This is Third Level Heading

This is Fourth Level Heading

This is Fifth Level Heading
This is Sixth Level Heading

Save the HTML code composed above for the sake of heading.html. Also open it. This model will show this sort of result before you.

This is First Level of Heading.
This is Second Level of Heading.
This is Third Level of Heading
This is Fourth Level of Heading.
This is Fifth Level of Heading.
This is Sixth Level of Heading.

What have you realized?
In this example, we have informed you regarding HTML Headings. What is HTML Headings? The sorts of HTML Headings and the significance of HTML Headings are additionally to be known. We trust that this example will demonstrate helpful for you.

Paragraph Tag in HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <h1>This is my BlogSpot</h1>
    <!-- <h2>This is h2 </h2> -->
    <!-- <h3>This is h3 heading </h3> -->
    <!-- I am manpreet singh, welcome to mrsingh1000 -->
<p>Blogs to Read</p>
<h2>These are tech blogs</h2>
<h3>These are tech blogs</h3>
<h4>These are tech blogs</h4>
<h5>These are tech blogs</h5>
<h6>These are te2h blogs</h6>

<!-- <h7>These are h7 blogs</h7> -->

<a href=""target="_blank">Computer Blogs</a>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Totam quo obcaecati quos minima at sapiente, esse ad accusantium dolorum, commodi fuga alias illum numquam? Temporibus architecto labore, rem voluptatem beatae minus amet quibusdam, laudantium assumenda quisquam est recusandae velit rerum.
<a href=""target=_blank>Mobile Blogs</a>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quo repudiandae obcaecati, vitae mollitia dolor magnam.

<!-- Example of Absolute Link -->
<a href="">mistersingh1000 contact-us</a>

<!-- Example of Relative Link  -->
<a href="contact.html">My Local Website Contact Us Page</a>

<!-- Image Tag -->
<img src="" alt="Happy Diwali 2021">



Anchor Tag in HTML

Image Tag in HTML



This is my BlogSpot

Blogs to Read

These are tech blogs

These are tech blogs

These are tech blogs

These are tech blogs
These are te2h blogs
Computer Blogs Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Totam quo obcaecati quos minima at sapiente, esse ad accusantium dolorum, commodi fuga alias illum numquam? Temporibus architecto labore, rem voluptatem beatae minus amet quibusdam, laudantium assumenda quisquam est recusandae velit rerum.

Mobile BlogsLorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quo repudiandae obcaecati, vitae mollitia dolor magnam.

mistersingh1000 contact-us

My Local Website Contact Us Page

Happy Diwali 2021

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