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Whatsapp bulk marketing with Virtual numbers:
Some people are really interested to send a message and they want to promote their business to the unknown people but they don’t want to send the message from their number because they are afraid to get blocked by WhatsApp CEO considering of these things I am explaining the best bulk WhatsApp marketing panel with the help of you can send message from virtual numbers or even you can see these numbers can be called as a Random numbers these numbers are paid by the companies and almost 100+ Whatsapp numbers are running.
Additionally, if we talk about the messages quantity which you want to send so I am telling you that their unlimited quantities you can send you can send even 100k, 200k or even 1 Million messages or even 1 million messages in just one click from the Indian virtual number or even Indian bulk WhatsApp marketing random number panel so the plan price in starting just 300 rupees you will get 1000 messages after paying the money
How to send 1 Million messages from Virtual numbers:
Generally people want to send their message via virtual number for explaining some steps by following numbers that how can you send the bulk WhatsApp messages via a virtual bulk WhatsApp panel so there are some stuff which you have to follow if you don’t follow these steps you will be unable to create the campaign and the messages could not be sent by our team so let’s take a look on these steps:
Usually, people want to send their message via virtual number for explaining some steps by following numbers that how can you send the bulk WhatsApp messages via a virtual bulk WhatsApp panel so there are some things which you have to follow if you don’t follow these steps you will be unable to create the campaign and the messages could not be sent by our team so let’s take a look on the steps
Steps to Send 1 Million Message from Virtual Whatsapp Numbers:
- The first step is you have to make the payment on our WhatsApp number +917009 732 517 the plans and pricing are below you can check the plans and pricing and after that you can make the payment as per your requirement of plan
- The second step is we will provide ID & Password , Whatsapp panel link, you will also be credited the messages quantity which you want to own, but be remember only messages will be credited after the payment will be been done.
- The third step is to create the campaign via your WhatsApp panel you will add the Indian people number into the number panel without giving any space or without adding the country code.
- In the messaging panel you will type your message you can add some links and websites links and also you can include your WhatsApp number or any other contact number
- In the next field you will be given one field to add the website a link you can easily add and after that you can attach some photos photos one video PDF and one document file and after that you will click on the send now button the message campaign will be sent by your side and after that it will be received by our server this week server I will check all of the credentials and other enquiry and after that this server will automatically scheduled to send this message via queue because so many messages are being sent by other people.
- Your messages will be in the queue your messages will be delivered within 4 to 6 hours the timing will be office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6 a.m. After 24 hours you can easily get and download the report and you can check that how many messages was sent for which messages were pending and if not sent then you will be credited after 2 to 3 days these messages can be called as a refunded messages it will be automatic process you don’t need to request to someone to initiate the process.
How to buy this panel?
Do you want to order this WhatsApp panel so what are you waiting for you can just text me on my WhatsApp number here it is my WhatsApp number +917009732517 if you have any query and question please feel free to ask me about this panel I will tell you each and everything on the WhatsApp but this plans and pricing are just for limited time so you shouldn’t have to waste the time and get the plan now thanks for reading my article love you Guys.