WordPress Duplicate page & Post Plugin | Best Method


In this article, I’m going to show you how to quickly and easily install the plugin that allow you to WordPress Duplicate Page and posts on your website with one click. we’re getting started right now, hey guys welcome back it’s manpreet singh from mistersingh1000.com where we help you get better at WordPress so you can earn more for yourself for your clients and for your business.

If you’re new here make sure the subscribe button then at the Bell notification icon to notify you and publish more awesome tutorials for you with that out of the way. Let’s duplicate some pages over the screen capture I’ll see you there to get the functionality duplicate a page quickly. The first thing we have to install a plugins here we are in the dashboard I’m going to hover over plugins on the left and click on add new.

WordPress Duplicate Page Plugin

Add New WordPress Plugin

I’m going to type into the search duplicate page (WordPress Duplicate Page) now there are a bunch out there the one I use is this one up here. it has the most active installs of any of I’ve come across it’s always updated you can duplicate posts pages and custom posts so it covers all my needs and it’s going to install now if you want use different one which is a different one this is the one that I use then we click on activate now the plug-in is installed and activated.

Can i make duplicate post?

If we go to our posts list or a page lists or the custom post type list and we hover over any of these we now have a duplicate this text added if we click on that we don’t have a duplicate made save it as a draft so you can go in and edit it and change it however you like and then publish it. However, you need to do so fast and easiest duplicate pages using this plugin. I hope this article helps you if you haven’t done so yet hit subscribe then hit the bell icon so you notified when publish more awesome tutorials for you.


Steps to Make a Duplicate Page?

Step: 1

Go to Plugins

Add New Plugin


Step: 2

Search Duplicate Post
Install & Activate the Plugin 


Step: 3

Go to your posts, Page 


Step: 4

Click on Clone Post, Page will be copied. 


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