Top 10 Best SEO Tools to Rank Website on Google! Rank #1

Rank Website on Google

Rank Website on Google

Friends, How are you? As we all know that a lot of money can be made from the website and if it starts appearing on Google, people cannot even guess how rich we can be. If friends, creating a website is a very easy task, such as taking a domain and hosting it together, then creating that website is just such a task but the most difficult thing is that we They take anything written on the website, but how do we show it on Google, how will people search it on Google and will we be able to access our article and our website?

So, friends, I will tell you some such secret secrets that will show any article of your website on Google, and how it will show you, you will have to do some work which I tell you all one by one, that is why you post do not come on google? Must read from start to finish and use every method only then you can make your website accessible to people on Google.

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15 Seo Tools to Rank Website on Google

  1. Google Search Console
  2. Crawling Feature
  3. Verification of Website & User
  4. Rich Result Status Report
  5. Use Method – Url Inspection Tool
  6. Sitemap 
  7. Robots.txt tester
  8. Canonical Tag
  9. Amp Pages
  10. Mobile Usability Report
  11. Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool
  12. Structured Data Testing Tool
  13. Check Copyright
  14. Plagiarism Checker
  15. Rewrite Article

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Google Search Console?

If you have a website, then you have to first create your account on Google search console, for this, you can sign up here and after that, you can use this Google search console by giving a little information about yourself. The Google search Console plays an important role in preparing the website and showing it on Google.

Rank Website on Google #1- What is Crawling?

First of all, you have to know how to crawl, what is the meaning of crawl, it is very important for you to know about how crawl works, then friends crawl means that if you write an article on a website, then you write it and post it publicly. It does not show on Google, it takes a little time, even if it can be 1 day 5 days a week or even a month.

it depends on the appearance of your website. On Article, how is its content Photos, Videos, and AMP Page, website Traffic, Robots File, Sitemap, Canonical Tag, Mobile Useability Report, Structure Data, Mobile-Friendly Website? It is very important to have these things, so friends, let me explain the meaning of each one and how it works I tell you about that too.

Rank Website on Google #2 Verification of site

On the first number, you have to tell Google which website is yours, is that website really yours, then for this, you will have to verify, you will visit a website page by clicking on the photo below to verify. And there, after selecting your website, you will have to tell Google search console, after selecting your website name, your website is verified.

  1. First of all, you have to click on the below ownership of a site.
  2. Now a page will open
  3. Then after that click on your property,(your website URL)
  4. Then under Google search console, search property is written, click on it and select the name of your website.
  5. You will see that your website ownership has been verified

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Rank Website on Google

Now you do not have to do anything else your website ownership is ready, you can also do some more work below to get your website verified such as HTML file, HTML tag, Google tag manager, Domain name provider You can verify each one by clicking on it.

Rank Website on Google#3 : Rich Results Status Report

A new tool to test the website is called the Rich Results Status Report. After clicking on it, you have to click on the open search console, which will open your Google search console, after opening, you have to see here, how many people are coming to your website? how many people have views on your website till date? how many people have The website has been searched?

All the analytics of your website is shown here. If you have a good number of visitors on your website then to rank your website on Google Sector can not stop.

Rank Website on Google #4. URL inspection tool

If you write an article on your website and you want to get indexed on Google, then you have to first check whether your article can be indexed on Google or not, for that, you have to click on the URL inspection tool and After that, you have to put the URL of your website article on the top, then click on the live test URL after that if the URL is available to Google,

if your website article can be indexed on Google? you’ll look appearing on Google, you just click on request Indexing button, it will be shown to google within one week.

Rank Website on Google #5. Sitemaps

A sitemap does complete indexing of your website and shows it on a page like if you talk about a book, there are 20 to 30 chapters inside it and its indexing is given only on the first page, so your website But the number of pages that will be indexed, such as sitemap, shows all the pages on your website, what is the URL of them.

Let me tell you, for example, how to check sitemaps.

1.  Let’s check google sitemap

 2. First of all, write and then after inserting the slash we will write site map dot XML ( )

Now to see Google’s site map, you have to enter this URL, after that, you will see a sitemap of Google. (

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For how to create a sitemap, I have made a complete video, you can go and watch that video in which I have told you step by step tutorial.

Rank Website on Google #6. Canonical tag

The canonical tag is such a tag as if a lot of duplicate articles are created on our website, like if we wrote an article inside which I have explained how we make money from YouTube, and with this we have many more articles Write inside which I explained how we create a YouTube channel? how to create subscribers on YouTube? how to increase views on YouTube and many other articles, and along with this,

I also write the name of my old article here on how we make money from Youtube? Suppose I wrote many more articles and within which I wrote this article for you guys. You would like how we make money from YouTube?

So friends, how do you make money from this Youtube? This article is coming to my website every time. How will Google know which page is the original and which duplicate page it is used for? If you want to create a Canonical tag for your website then you can watch this video.

Rank Website on Google #7. Robots Testing Tool

Robots testing tool is a tool from which we can find all the articles written on our website, which article can be indexed on Google and which article can be crawled on Google, then friends we have given on this website Using the Robots Testing Tool, we can check the URL of all the articles written on our website after copy-pasting here. Will this URL be indexed on Google, so if friends come here by writing aloud, then it means that it will be indexed on Google

Rank Website on Google #8. AMP test tool

AMP means accelerator mobile page, this is the fastest opening page on Google, we call it an AMP page, if you want to see your website as AMP PAGE, then you have to enter your website URL here and then you You can check whether you have an AMP page on your website, if you want to create an AMP page for your website, you can get full information by clicking on the photo below. How to built and indexed on Google.

Rank Website on Google #9. Mobile Usability Report

This is a report that suggests that all the articles written on your website can be viewed on mobile, are loading on mobile and if there is any error in it, then you will be shown inside the Google search console that Which of your URLs and which website article is coming up with an error and you can correct it

Rank Website on Google #10. Mobile-friendly test tool

Within the mobile-friendly test tool, you can see that what you are writing an article on your website as well as what your website is showing on mobile, then you can see a live demo of this, through this tool, your website The entire interface of what it looks like on mobile is shown on mobile.

Rank Website on Google #11.

Structured Data Testing Tool

Structured data testing tool is a tool that shows the coding of your website article and if any error or any kind of warning is given in it, then you are shown here What error is there in your coding and how can it be corrected? because when we are coding our website, we may be able to make a mistake somewhere. To repair the fault Structured Data Testing tool we can use.

How to check copyright on the website

A lot of people do that by picking up anything from any site and copying it and putting it on their website, because of which it was supposed to say copyrighted content and their website is never on Google because you are stealing someone’s content. So, friends, if you still want to copy someone’s content and put it on your website, if you do not have time, then you can only do this work.

if you copy another content whether it is copyrighted and if we make it non-copyrighted to let you know how we copyrighted content changes to non-copyright content? look at below.

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How to copy articles from another website

Rank Website on Google #12. Plagiarism Checker

Do you not have time or you do not have content to write or you do not know English or Hindi or any other language, nor do you have any photo or video, then how can you copy someone’s article on your website You can put a copyright problem to your website, so let me tell you the name of this website is Small SEO tool, inside it, you will find a tool called Plagiarism checker,

you tell which article is on which website and on which line is the copyright issue, as if you copy something like that from something and put it here and then check plagiarism, here you All the lines written inside the red color are copyrighted, so how can you make it copyright to no copyright, you can read the article written below.

Rank Website on Google #13. Article rewrite

After Checking the copyright, then I told you how we check the copyright line, so how can we make it copyright free? For this, you should put that line or the article of the entire website here inside the box below and the link is given in the picture below, paste the article inside the box, and click rewrite article what will happen, this will make your copyrighted content to copyright-free content. If it still shows copyright, then you can re-click it. You can copy content from any website and paste copyright-free content on your website.

Hopefully you have just learned how we can check your website, what is the problem on it, how to correct it, if you do all this work then friends you can easily rank your website on Google and nobody can stop it to rank on google.

You can also follow me on social media account by clicking on the link given below.

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