whatsapp viral news? Introducing Whatsapp 3 Red Ticks?

Whatsapp Red Ticks

whatsapp viral news

It has been observed that there are so many people who are spreading unrelevant Whatsapp messages, this is an update that is a new update and those are new things and new updates on the Whatsapp, that are really very bulshit things, if Whatsapp announces anything new on Whatsapp app, then automatically it will be updated on Whatsapp official app. lets talk about what is (whatsapp viral news) Whatsapp Red Ticks?

There are so many rumors are spreading by the people that this notification is updated by the government, or the Delhi government, State government, and Central government. 

As you know that we are suffering from coronavirus but in the lockdown. People are free at their home and they are creating unrelevant messages and trying to viral on the Whatsapp. All of them one message is going to viral by the Whatsapp users, groups and contact, that is  Whatsapp red ticks.

What is Whatsapp Red Ticks ?

Whatsapp red tick is a new update of official Whatsapp and it will be updated very soon on Whatsapp, after 2-3 weeks on the official Whatsapp. This type of message is going viral on the Whatsapp.

As we all know that if a Whatsapp user sends a message to someone that he get the one tick, but after the message will be delivered to that contact there will be shown two ticks. 

Then the user reads your message then both ticks will get blue which means someone has read your message and he or she is ready to reply to you but the question is What is (whatsapp viral news) Whatsapp Red Ticks?

Before understanding the meaning of Red ticks first we should know that what is the meaning of three blue ticks. 

Three Blue Ticks

We all know that only two blue ticks are showing on the Whatsapp if someone has sent the message then delivered and when it read the message by the receiver too, then we can see the two blue ticks, The Three blue ticks meaning that government has watched your message just because of there is an abusing content, or it is illegal it should not be exist on the Whatsapp. Secret behind (whatsapp viral news) Whatsapp Red Ticks?

Your message violates the policies and rules and regulations of the Whatsapp community.

Two Blue & One Red Tick 

One red tick means the government has taken action against the user because his/her Whatsapp message is violating the terms and conditions of Whatsapp and it belongs to the rumor or it could be dangerous for anyone that’s why the government has taken notice against that Whatsapp user message.Now, lets check what are (whatsapp viral news) Whatsapp Red Ticks?

One Blue & Two Red tick

After the government has taken notice, now they will ready to capture your Whatsapp messages, screen, your voice recording, call recording, video recording, everything on your phone and your social media accounts or what are you doing on Whatsapp accounts and groups, your chat notification, your chat history, backup, everything will be fetched by the government.

It means that you are suspected and the government has taken action and after recording and capturing your screen, Whatsapp messages, voice, calls, video recordings, it will take the summons and it will send to your home and after that anytime police can arrest you, the three tick means you are suspected and you will be soon a prisoner because you are all viral a unrelevant message or viral rumors on the Whatsapp.

This is a misuse of Whatsapp. the government will punish you for it. You will be imprisonment for some months and years also.

Reality or truth

There are so many messages are creating on the Whatsapp, but this is a unrelevant message and someone is viral on Whatsapp and others, send or forward to their Whatsapp contacts, groups after that all of the group members and their Whatsapp friends, send that message to their friends and relatives too. Today, This message was viral today but the fact is it is a unrelevant message please do not believe in it. What is the Reality and truth behind (whatsapp viral news) Whatsapp Red Ticks?

Pib fact check has check that this message is a unrelevant message Whatsapp has not updated any type of notification on the Whatsapp and it is your humor and the viral message is a unrelevant message

If you face any Rumours and unrelevant messages on the Whatsapp and if you want to stop that type of message. Please do not send that message to someone and your friends, or to your relatives too. 

Whatsapp Latest Tips and Tricks 2020

Hey guys, if you want to know the latest tips and tricks for your Whatsapp, then you can go for this video here in this video I told you that how to freeze last seen, how to use anti deleted messages, how to use anti deleted stories and how to be online at 24 hours on the Whatsapp, Here are the themes also available which are gradient, theme, dark theme, and even the transparent theme are also exist on this Whatsapp. PIB fact checker told what are (whatsapp viral news) Whatsapp Red Ticks?

You can also watch the video for ur Whatsapp.

These are the latest tips and tricks and are available only on my website not on others YouTube channel so here you can check it out my full video and you can learn these easy by click here 

Whatsapp Latest Version 2020 

Restore Whatsapp Delete For EveryOne Message ?

We already know that there is an option that if someone deletes a message on the Whatsapp, he could be able to delete that message from their Whatsapp, but he deleted messages for everyone then both side that messages will be deleted, but how to check and restore or read or view that type of Whatsapp message, you can check it out this video and you can also find this link. This video will help you that how to restore your Whatsapp deleted messages?

Whatsapp Delete for Everyone 

Message Recovery App

Increase Whatsapp Status Story Limit?

Upload full video on Whatsapp is not possible, because what’s up limit 15-second, guys if you want to share your full video on your Whatsapp status and story bar then you will not be able to upload the full video which timings up to 15 seconds, because there is a limit set by the Whatsapp that if you want to upload any type of video on your Whatsapp status or story then the timing will be only 15 seconds. 

How to bypass this setting on Whatsapp?

There is a very simple trick you can get and install one application the application link will be in the video description, you can check it out this article it will help you to get and install what’s up status story apk. With the help of this application you can upload any video even it could be 10 minutes 20 minutes or even one hour. This is not a trick it is Whatsapp . 

Whatsapp Story APK 

Video Saga Apk

How to Verify unrelevant Or Real News on Whatsapp

if you seem like a this is a unrelevant message and it is delivered by my friend and if you don’t want to send it to anyone before checking the reality of that message, so you have to check the reality of that Whatsapp message you can just check this message on PIBFACTCHECK pib fact check which is a Twitter account you can follow on Twitter and after that, you can check the reality of that message if it true then you can send otherwise don’t send it.

You can take a screenshot and after that, you can send it on a number that is, Whatsapp Red Ticks article defind now.

To Countering misinformation on Govt. policies/schemes, you check and Suspect a Govt. related news to be unrelevant or real?

Send the screenshot to this number +918799711259 and the email id is – pibfactcheck@gmail.com 

Pib fact check Twitter Account,

Follow the Link of pib fact check you can check all of the unrelevant and viral messages reality or truth.

So please do not send any message before checking the reality of that Whatsapp message

I Just recommend to you, just read any Whatsapp message, all groups message, but please do not send it to anyone even it is real or unrelevant.

Follow Me For More Videos & Blogpost

All types of information regarding real or unrelevant or what is going on the trend, you can also check out my YouTube channel where I upload all types of videos, regarding Rumors and unrelevant messages are spreading on the Whatsapp and any other social media.

You can also check out the tips and tricks of mobiles, computer, laptop, as website and how to earn money online, you can check it out more tricks on my website which is MisterSingh1000.com

You can also follow me on my social media accounts Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Or YouTube

The full article also published & Reference of gadgets.com

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