13 Best Tips to Rank website on google & Get higher ranking

Index Website On Google

Rank website on google

Rank website on google, First of All, Purchasing the domain and getting hosting on your website is not sufficient. Website will not be eligible for monetization or ranking if you do not upload it on Google, Because most of the visitors and people are searching on Google, Yahoo and Bing servers so you have to tell that server that you also have a website and you should tell to that server that what type of content are you posting on your website, Why it should be ranking on google, This is the article about generate sitemap online and index website on google

8 Best Tips to Rank website on google

1. First Step  – Submit Sitemap

Rank website on google -First, you have to create a sitemap of your website where all of your URLs placed in a sitemap if you don’t know how to create a sitemap? You can check out this article.

Check out my video that you know how can we submit a sitemap on Google?

It is a very simple process. Please don’t forget to watch my video.

2. First Step  – Plagiarism Check 

Rank website on google

I want to tell you before that if you have copyrighted content or if you copy content from another website and posting it on your website then you should check out this article if your website have copyrighted content then you should clear those copyrighted content from your website, you can check out some tools which are available on SEO Tools website. After, removing the plagiarism or copyrighted content from your website and creating the sitemap of your website then you will be eligible for monetization or ranking on the Google or Yahoo server. Plagiarism checking is the first priority of Generate Sitemap Online and Index Website On Google.

I am going to tell you that how can we upload our website on Google server and how to tell what type of content are we posting on our website?

For more information, you can check out my video.

Now let’s talk about the Google indexing that how can we post our article on the blog post on Google pages.
well, I tried so many times on the Google search console, but Google search console is not only one tool where you can post to URL and show on Google apart from these, there are two-three ways to submit your URL on Google.Rank website on google

First I want to show you the example of my website and my article that how I search my article on Google and how it comes on the first page on Google , thats why i am writing the article of Generate Sitemap Online and Index Website On Google.

Otherwise, if you search on Google simply that mobile Run without SIM then there will be a lot of websites pages are there to tell you that how mobile Run without SIM but you will not be able to find your article which you posted on your website.
So it is just an example that if someone searches on Google then how my website will rank on google pages. it is just a demo.

Rank website on google

I suggest three ways, first one is ping o matic second one is pingler.com and the third one is Google search console if you pass your URL from these three websites then your website post will be updated on google.com it is my promise. But, you have to wait for 5 days 10 days and your website should meet the eligibility and requirement of your website before posting the URL for Google. for example, sitemap, rich content, improve website user experience, bounce rate, page speed or canonical tag and much more

3. Ping o Matic

Rank website on google

It is a free service which tells to different server or search engines when you update your article on your website. You just copy your website post URL and copy the title name of your website article or a blog post and paste into the ping o Matic website.  This website will automatically ping your URL and it will show on Google. Ping o matic can help you tIndex Website On Google, and you can generate sitemap online and index website on google

Rank website on google

It also helps in SEO because pinging is a process when you submit your website on Ping o Matic website, it is updated on search engines or web directories and web pages by pinging tools it is also very popular to index your website pages articles if you have created your sitemap. Sitemap urls will be linked directly from the website to Google servers.
Sometimes our website is automatically crawled on the web pages but if it does not crawl then pinging is to which recrawl your website, fetch the web pages from your websites.Rank website on google

How to Ping for Crawl Website on GOOGLE Pages:

  1. Open the ping o matic.com
  2. Copy your website article title name.
  3. Paste in ping o matic blog name.
  4. Copy your website post URL
  5. Paste in ping o matic blog URL.
  6. RSS feed URL is optional, leave it.
  7. Tick all of below options
  8. Blog, Feedburner, spinner, super feed then click send ping
  9. when everything will be sent and ping will be also sent.

4. Pingler.com

The second option to crawl on your website Google the best option is Pingler.com,  Rank website on google

Pingler is same as ping o matic, this website also fetch your title name and url, and show to google and after that google check your post and show on google, if it is eligible. Pingler can also help you to index website on google, if google search console unable to do the same. generate sitemap online and index website on google

Rank website on google
  1. Open this website
  2. Copy your website article post name
  3. Paste in title keywords
  4. Now copy your website article URL
  5. Paste in pingler URL option
  6. Select 3 checkbox in category options
  7. You can see all Ping services
  8. Now click Ping

It will take 2 minutes you can get this report on your email id, just add your email id and you can get the thing services report.


5. Google Search Console

After 5 to 10 days, you can open the Google search console and then in the URL inspection bar, you can paste your website article URL and after that, you can click on Test live URL.Rank website on google
You will be able to see that that you are URL is available to Google now it is the time to index on Google you just click request indexing. First we have to generate sitemap online and index website on google

I am done I hope you will be also done. 

If you see or face any type of problem, then you can take a look out more policies of Google search console.
Please complete all of the eligibility or the requirement of your website article. For example, your website title name should be complete, your description should be above 1000 to 2000 words, title, tags , keywords, your metadata, description, playlist options everything you have to fill if it is a pending or empty box.

6. Improve Website User Experience:

You should improve your website user experience. If anyone comes to your website, then Top 4 Ranking factors should be considered.

First one is website user experience,

The second one, how much time taken to open the website,

Third one page per clicks,  backlinks and no-follow links is not there.

The fourth one is bounce rate.

In the end, website should be easy to read and enjoyable and valuable information will be provided then more visitor will spend more time on your web pages and they can enjoy your services after that you can improve your website user experience.

7. Write great content

Rank website on google

If you are content is high or great and your content has valuable information then more of the universe visitors will visit your website and your website will be ranking on Google just because of great content providers on your website it is a magic of SEO. if you generate sitemap online and index website on google then you will be genious.

8. Get More Backlinks

Rank website on google

if the top website which is weighted and heavily and comes under Google ranking factors if they provide a pass or give links on their website. For example, if they upload any type of post for the article and they use your blogpost link or refer your website, then you will get valuable traffic on your website and it really improves your search ranking.

9. Fix broken links

If your website is having 404 error on your page or it is not opening and you are facing or getting so so much trouble at this time then your website will not be improved.Rank website on google

You just have to fix that broken links using broken link check or dead link checker Rank website on google

10. Improve Page Speed

You have to focus on your page speed of your web pages opening on Google on laptop, computers or even mobile phone because if your website is light weighted then your website pages will be open shortly after that user can feel the best experience

11. Optimize Your Images

You have to upload full HD or compressed images on your website. Optimizing your images is really best thing to open your web pages. If you are having Google photos then you can upload your picture on the Google photos and after that, you can get the link of that image and use that image URL on your website

Post HD Pictures but always use Links. it is only possible if you Generate Sitemap Online and Index Website On Google.

12. Use a Big Header H1 and Short Header H2

For example, I am using the header short and big on my website page, the same as you should use the heading of your pages that describes what type of content you are posting.

For example, the topic is: what is Google? how to use? what are the benefits of using Google? what are the merits and demerits? how to search on Google?

Each and everything you have to use the headache for starting heading before starting your website article.

13. Optimize Local Search

Google my business app is really good option for your content searching or post on google. Rank website on google Install the app and turn on the location and share your business info and update your business setup or detail on Google map and share all of your friends.  It really improves the chances to grow your business online. How was my article, generate sitemap online and index website on google? write your feedback on contact us web page.

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